How to run ZooKeeper and Kafka in Docker
There are so many Docker images for Kafka and ZooKeeper.
One of the most popular Docker Image is Bitnami/kafka
From an official document, just few steps to do it.
Basically we need to create Docker Network to be a bridged between ZooKeeper and Kafka Docker Containers.
Step 1 — Create Docker Network
$ docker network create app-tier --driver bridge
This step is to create Docker Network named
Step 2 — Launch ZooKeeper container
$ docker run -d --name zookeeper --network app-tier -p 2181:2181 -e ALLOW_ANONYMOUS_LOGIN=yes bitnami/zookeeper
This step is to create Docker Container from
inside Docker Networkapp-tier
with port mapping 2181 to localhost 2181
Step 3 — Launch Kafka container
$ docker run -d --name kafka --network app-tier --hostname localhost -p 9092:9092 -e ALLOW_PLAINTEXT_LISTENER=yes -e KAFKA_CFG_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT=zookeeper:2181 bitnami/kafka
This step is to create Docker Container from
inside Docker Networkapp-tier
with port mapping 9092 to localhost 9092 and connect to zookeeper container in the same Docker Network
You can check running Docker Instance from Docker Dashboard
To connect Kafka, you can point you application config to localhost:9092
That’s it! Happy coding :)